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Saturday 5 January 2013

First Hexing of the New year

I feel like a steamrolled piece of mouldy gaaaarrrrbage.

Ok let me break down the last 24 hours for ya.
I went to the apartment I am currently moving out of, and I haven't said it on here yet but most of my loyal readers do know, I am seperated from my husband and now live with my three gay husbands.

There it is, for the world to see.
I wonder how many people won their bets.

Oooh, that was a terrible dark joke meant to self deprecate.
I like to self deprecate so I can talk badly about others from time to time, it's like, if I can dish it upon myself I can dish it upon you... sadistic?

Anyways back to the last 24 hours.

Went to bed feeling yucky last night after the epic and frenzied move of the rest of my stuff and tired from all aspects of it, I crashed hard and woke up at some ungodly hour to puke my guts out! Yay! Did you wanna know that? I don't care you will know. Or don't be Hexed.

So since I still have the most amazing anti-nauseants from cancer treatment that take away that shitty feeling quickly I popped a couple.

Well anyways I didn't even so much as stir until almost 4 this afternoon, completely missing work altogether!
I feel like an asshole for that, a friggin screw up. Omigosh, literally sleeping through an entire work day? That's for when you 18 and getting drunk and not going to bed until an hour before you work. Horrible.

What can I say? Those pills are way more powerful than I knew they ever could be.

I had one the more epic sleeps of my life and am now awake and hungry at goddamm two 2am. 

Luckily I doubt I'll be up long considering how shitty these last how many hours have been.
I do need to eat so I've got soup on the stove.

So what do I do now? Blog and share my misery!

I still have that flu-ish weakness but thanks to a good analgesic my headache is finally gone.

I am really pissed off at my immune system since I seem to be picking up just about any plague going around, and I blame interferon.

That shit turned my damn immune system upside down, as I read it could for years after treatment. Satan knows what will be next, it's really annoying, now I have to worry abut my fucking blood pressure too, I'll be the only 30 year old at an early bird dinner special soon asking for the low salt selections. 

Fuck that! I want to eat what I want, how I want, and I don't deserve high blood pressure, I am not a chip eater nor have I been one since teen years, I never add salt to my food and cook with more spices than salt, and only add a pinch here and there, fuck I already have a low salt intake.
The one thing I am guilty of is the powerade... I found myself addicted to gatorade and shit since my treatment. I was told to drink a sports drink up to once a day and you get so sick of water you need a break from it so you can stop pissing just for an hour or so, good lordy those things are my vice. Oh the cigarettes too.

I am quitting for good before my 30th birthday and that's that.
My parents are worried about me smoking and to be honest with you I love love love to smoke but I know it's time to give them up.

Some of you are probably like yeah whatever Erin I'll believe it when I see it.

Luckily I have great support that believes I can do it more than I do, so I am ready.
I am giving er a few more months because I honestly don't need any extra shit on my plate at the moment and I have a slight bitter streak going on so quitting smoking today ain't my priority, sorry.

Here's a few wonderful things going on for me to make me less bitter and cranky:

FIRST OFF! This is the happiest news I got this year other than my all clear on my cancer.

My amazingly talented and hilarious brother made this himself.

I cried tears of happiness and joy over this news!!!!

So excited to be Auntie Erin, more than I ever thought was even possible.

The baby isn't even here yet and my heart is already full of so much love. I just want to spoil and love, and cuddle and love and spoil, and on and on.

Being an aunt will enrich my life so much, and I cannot freakin' wait!


Anywhoozles the other fun thing that is making life more interesting and less sucky is that I have officially started my Bachelor of Psychology!

I am stoked on it, and started January 1st. 
So far I've gotten deep into the History of Psychology and the fathers of this social science and I fucking love it.

It's full of nutcases like me.
I love it, but it is a new responsibility and will take a lot of work, so some days I'm all


But most days I am very exited to pick up the book and study.

This is something that is going to change my life and career and bring challenges and many rewards. I am very excited about that.

ANOTHER wonderful little tidbit is I've had perfect strangers walk up to me in public places and tell me they love my blog.
A few have told me they quit tanning because of me.

It feels good to be famous bitch.

So my cats are very well settled here in the gay mansion and enjoy many things about it, they have more room to run around, the have lots of stuff to sniff and use as new scratching posts, rub their scent on and Salem loves the fishes, he sits there watching intently for hours. They also like all the extra attention with other people around all the time, they get extra pettings and love.

Right now Sabbies eyes are like saucers as she watches the huge bottom feeder placostamus or however you spell that shit.

So I am going to crawl back under my warm blankets and get back to where I belong, unconsciousness. 

Yup, that's todays blab.

Love y'all, and WHOOP a new year. Time for new beginnings.

Night night shiny darlings.



1 comment:

alicia said...

oh my god that video daley made is hilarious/terrifying! so excited for a new baby girl (that i don't have to take care of)! congrats daley and alicia!

also, we need to have a tired and bitter party over here. i hate this time of year and instead of hope i always just have anxiety, insomnia, and nervous breakdowns over another year of failures. AWESOME!

i love you and i'm happy your three gay husbands are taking care of you! <3