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Monday 4 June 2012

Practice makes crazy, 4 special spots

You'd think I would be good at everything. 

Well, just about anything with my hands.

Without my weird hands that bend in anyway necessary, I couldn't have mastered lash extensions or violin, or several other things that my hands and wrists that have always been loose and limber are needed for. 

I thought (foolishly) I 'd master pottery right away. Well at least by the fifth week out of six classes I'd have a whole new set of dishes.

Well this just isn't the case for me.

For once in my life I have to admit to being bad at something (other than math of course) and though I want so badly to be better at pottery I might as well forget about being a master by six weeks.

I know with anything, practice can make perfect. At least near perfect.

When I would start a new piece on the violin as a student, I would think-

This is impossible I am never going to be able to play this.

Well of course I always did, because I PRACTICED.
I would get the hang of it eventually and then, take it up a level to mastery.

Not to brag or anything, but shit, I could play the fuck out of my violin at one time.

I don't want to get into all the reasons why I've had to leave my poor instrument on the sidelines the last little while, but I will say one thing took me away because it was just too physical to do at the time-
and that was cancer treatment.

Now that I am done I keep wanting to pick her up and play some Bach or Vivaldi but the unfortunate reality of a busy life is that I haven't gotten back into it.

Sorry to bum out all you's who think I should be playing it all the time, I'll come back to it, I always do, just on my own time. 


2 weeks off (one because it was closed for the long weekend) another for a client, and it's like I am back to WORSE than square one if this is possible, just sucking so badly and just whipping up cylindrical shapes and not trying to shape anything with the clay, really just making junk that'll look semi decent once it's glazed and fired.

I came into this class, excited, but maybe also thinking it was easier than it was.
Not enough respect for the art.

It is hard, and as with anything I am bad at repeatedly I would rather quit and find something I do more naturally. I understand the benefits of practice and so people don't need to be like-


But do I really want to pay out of my nose for classes over and over, hoping I get better at this art, or do I move on to something else?

I am feeling the something else right now.

Like I said, crappy pottery can look semi professional once it's fired and glazed, our German teacher Elly said today-

"It could be a shitty pot but once it's glazed it looks wonderful"

Hahaha she's funny.

Anyways, looking forward to getting my shitty pots glazed and fired.

Maybe I am being too hard on myself I don't know, when I saw the strange creation of this woman who is taking the class with her daughter, it looked like she'd given up on the wheel and started sculpting weird shit with the clay, animals and one weird ship shaped bowl like thing, not sure what was going on there...

So at least I was better than that old lady.


As you all know, I've had ongoing issues with my skin and tried everythiiiiiiiiiing I mean

And it is still coming back.

It was gone, then every few days it resurfaces angry and painful.

I'd say I'd had enough, but that I said months ago.

I've decided to try the one thing I haven't tried......and this sounds crazy.... but.....


Now before get all EWWWWWWW you gotta shower!

I say to you, aren't there four special places that you take that shower to wash, that is if you aren't a super sweaty or dirty man/woman, why not just wash the special spots and hair in the sink and not allow any water on your skin?

4 special spots, and you all know where those are.

If you have five I'm just going to say, keep an eye on that.

Now that I have been showering regularly, and I am flaring up more and more.

I wonder if staying out of the evil shower- which is painful to be in anyways- would be a solution for the excema that continues to plague me.

Yes I take hot/warm showers. The day I'll take a cold shower is the day I'll be dead. 

I've had the suggestion, just take a cool shower.

Fuck all that.

Like I said, when I am dead.

Well I am going to try it, and keep you all updated on how things go.

I have this scary feeling that water, especially warm-hot Edmonton water, is drying out my skin even more, no matter what I put on my skin afterwards.
 I have tried tracking my diet, and nothing there seems to be no obvious culprit, I've been on steroids and tried every natural remedy, it's time I go to extremes and not bathe nor shower, because during this whole 9 months, I have showered regularly. 

I know what you're thinking- Erin, you're gonna live like a bum? 

Yes I am.

I know I can do this.

 Once I had my Hydro cut off in BC and had cold water for ten days, freezing cold water.
 (Let my sweet precious love and life burn in Hell before I take a cold and horrific shower, they make me sick, even in the middle of the summer.)

During those 10 days I sponge bathed (four SPECIAL spots) and washed my hair in the sink, and I was fine, stink free. Or my friends were liars. One or the two.

So gotta go, time to wash my hair in the sink.

I am hoping my shower strike clears up my skin. 
Don't you worry, you'll be hearing about it.
That is if you aren't sick of reading about my fun fun fun life!

Love to you all!!!!!


1 comment:

alicia said...

i HATE showering. it's so much work. i often just tend to my "special spots" and people are none the wiser! fuck showers. i hope it helps your skin! <3