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Wednesday 6 June 2012

Good day, I'd say!

Good day, I'd say!

Took the day off to attend an event held by the Canadian Dermatology Association, where doctors did free skin screenings, and I was asked to be there to talk to media and those in for screenings.

Basically I did one interview and then showed people how to fill out the forms for the screenings and organized the charts for the doctors.

I felt kinda like a nurse.

One cool thing was I got to convince apprehensive people to get themselves checked, a couple people said, well I have a mole that bothers me and changed.....

I immediately said, then get checked.
I didn't, and waited too long and ended up with Melanoma in my lymph nodes.
I saw the fear in a few peoples eyes and it was enough to get them filling out those forms.

So I am continuing to be involved in Melanoma and skin cancer awareness, and I love it.

This lady Tanny says she wants to take me to Toronto in the fall for a conference with a dermatologist from Chicago, I will be on "a board" and everything will be payed for, and thats all I know at this point!

I said yes of course!

So we shall see.

Tanny was talking about all these things coming up and she talks fast so she ends this with
I'll send you an email don't worry!

That's how it all seems to go down. Emails.

I don't know if I ever posted this, so I am going to inundate you with my melanoma fame.

I am Edmonton's own Melanoma Beauty queen- that's what my doctors said, bahahaha, I said,
Hey, I'll take that!

Works for me.
Look I even have a crown, albeit paper, I am still the princess of melanoma.


I have completed 10 (I think) loads of laundry.

Yes, I know that's disgusting right?

That I would let the laundry pile up until it spills out of the closet like a river, that I would put it on the back burner for weeks, until it can no longer be ignored and Matt has no underwear left and I'm wearing those P day panties that look like moths ate through them... yeah, gross I know.

Well that is a hint that it may be time to get tokens.

Now I didn't do ten loads in one day, and ten loads is a lot for me anytime, usually it's more like 4-6, and there is a reason why I couldn't do laundry earlier, say, last week.

Pat, the manager guy who seems a little lonely and perhaps perverted as well
I started getting mad and wondering if I had to truck this huge pile to the Ghetto-mat, which is too hot and boring, but it was time.
Finally Matt got tokens in the morning, turns out Pat is working afternoon-evening shifts at his job, and of course I always go a knocking round 7 at night, and boy is it ever annoying not be able to do laundry when you have time.

Laundry for me has always been not so great but no matter how big the pile got I'd find a way to ploy through loads and loads and it was like it never happened.

Now I don't know why I am telling you all this.

Laundry sucks!
But rules!

Weird right? I enjoy it but hate it at the same time.

I like washing my own clothes, I'll admit I don't so much enjoy washing my loves clothes and towels and stuff, but I do it without complaining.

I think one problem is having TOO MANY CLOTHES.
My closet and drawers are fill, so I regularly give away clothing to skinnier friends, or shirts of colours that don't match my current hair colour.

But it still all spills out!

Well what can I say I love clothes.

I recently bought 3 summer dresses I love and make me feel super girly and you'll love em too, but I decided not to show you these dresses on the hanger.

A couple of them looked ugly on the hanger, but I had to try it on, and isn't it like magic when something that you weren't sure of is the SURE THING!!!


(K not my closet, but I do wish I had this much room for a giant laundry pile, thats for sure!)

So to end on a positive meow:

 I am happy and smiling today and this week because everything is right.

Fruits I bought are ripe.
Cappucino was made perfectly today.
I had a really good donair for dinner.
My tomatoes and kale are growing.

AND I bought new shoes, that's the best part of the day.

That's enough to make me smile believe it or not.


1 comment:

alicia said...

so much laundry! i own like 3 outfits, so i have to do at least one load a week!

i don't understand when people are like "yeah, this is probably cancer, but i don't think i need to get it checked out..." GET YOUR MOLES CHECKED PEOPLE. jeez. good thing the beauty queen is preachin' to the masses! <3

also, grandma randomly gave me a school picture of you when you were like 8 with blue and pink laser beams on the backdrop. i didn't ask questions, but she wanted me to have it because we're best bloggin' cousins!
