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Monday 25 June 2012



-Co-workers that refuse to get along in a professional manner, my question is, DOES IT brighten your day to spread your misery in an unproductive way, affecting YOUR wallet, team morale, productivity, new developments but first and foremost the overall success of the business of course. Does it?

-MEN, women and youngsters who don't help a woman with a stroller, someone handicapped or very senior who is clearly having difficulties, or even holding the door for the person behind you?

-"Friends" or whatever they are who only come out in fair-weather. If you wanted to see me, wouldn't you get wet in rain, cold in the winter, and desire to be in my company regardless?

YEAH, as you can see by the way I started this blog, I am super angry.

Like burning inside.

There is something wrong with the world and many of the people in it.

I don't care if that sounds pessimistic, it's fucking true.

Everywhere I go people don't have basic manners.

Even my manners have gotten worse, and I'm fucking ashamed of myself.

I would blame this lack of basic manners on iPhones or anything phone and smart.

These create DRONES who withdraw quickly from social behaviour.

It made me angry when this little 14 year old emo kid walked through a door the other day completely unaware that a woman with a stroller was behind him. The door slammed into her stroller and she had to struggle through the door herself.


I was driving by ok. It happened in like two point five seconds, but I kinda just wanted to find this little punk and shake the skullkandy headphones out of his ears and torn him a new one in those skinny jeans called 

Yup, pretty much not liking the general "world" at the moment.

People are so petty, easily influenced by others, money, and fuck knows what.

For this reason I have stayed home alone and abstained from any social activities for days now.
I have literally locked myself in my apartment and here I do what I want, I make a lot of jewellery, I stroke my kitties, I cook delicious food and change clothes- about 3 to 4 times a day.

New fact you didn't know about me. 

I intend to stay here for another day or two, besides work of course, and enjoy the time all alone.
Of course it's hard to sleep alone when you are used to that, but a little alone time doesn't hurt anyone.

It's great to have the whole fucking bed.

So that's as positive as I'll leave this bitchy blog, here's the deal, if you don't like it, don't go visit 
Hex in the City.

If you are reading this I probably love you, and I don't count you in with any horrible, non-door holding activity, or so I would hope not!

Anyways, this week, to me, I see the ugly things about our human race.

People- they kinda suck. 

People you work with, people in your apartment building, your neighbour, people without basic human manners, people who don't pay attention to those they love or people who take you for granted, psychic vampires sucking your lifeblood with promises and unfullfilment of these promises.



So yeah, people in general kinda suck.

What's wrong with our world, childrearing and JUST EVERYTHING?????!!!!!!


(Not bah like a sheep, a long, old man like BAH with a hand thrown up in the air.)

Ummmm, yeah, that's it.




alicia said...

we really are the same person! i think working with unwashed masses really opens your eyes to the disgusting, inbred, tactless, rude, selfish assholes that populate the world. i HATE them and could fill this comment box with rage, but instead i'll just tell you that i agree with every statement in this post and i love you. <3

Katharine said...

Thank you for getting that off my mind! I feel much better now! I hope you do to!
Take care and see you soon!
love ya!