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Monday 11 June 2012

Out of breath by Monday, these things happen when I go out with blue hair

Wow, what a week!
It's only Monday.

Though I have been done with cancer treatment since March 28th of this year, I am still trying to
"Catch my breath."

Going from being Missus sickie pie pants to being Mrs. Busy has been tough, I will admit.

The pace of normal life is not slow, and there is not much time to sit and relax.
Even as I write this blog I am doing several other things at once- it's called MULTI-TASKING!

Watering my plants
Drinking a glass of wine

I know, talented right? 
Always muti-tasking, multi-tasking always.

I start my day by being late for my appointment at the Oncologist, Dr. Smylie, I always think of him as looking like this:

Not so much.

This is actually him.

I am such a creeper but this is on the internet- therefore useable by anyone, but here is Smylie.

Just a regular nice guy.

That has people die around him all the time.

His hands are cold, but his smile is warm.
I like the guy because he is very knowledgable about my disease, but tells it like it is, which is how it has to be in oncology. 
They can't lie to you or your family will sue them later.

Straight up.

So I am late as hell but they take me anyways, as usual, and rush in and have my X-ray which looked fine from my angle but what do I know, but I saw these two white spots on the side of one lung
 I asked the guy who was doing my X-ray 


He is a funny guy and proved that making jokes about junkies while inserting my central line for chemo- 
goes, hmm, not sure...... you have your nipples pierced right?

I was pretty much about to cry, anything randomly white in the middle of this greyness of the X-ray is alarming, but he quickly had me laughing in relief.


A quick one up one down from Doc Smylie and I am told 
"Come back in four months."
Wow I get to go an extra month now.
The leash is being loosened.
Ok Doc, see ya on TV I say, he laughs... or chuckles with that smile.

I can't lie, I was pretty much "Trying to look busy" while I was there.
It wasn't long, work, because I was super late from the check up, and people were telling me, go home, it's dead.
I'm all like, no, I'll stay.....

Organize menus.
Email.- NOTHING.
A few unnecessary banquet event orders, all the way into mid July.
A few random tasks and a few faxes later and I am done everything I need to do for days.
I call friends and poke fun at the Sous chef and Assistant manager, check the office for tequila. 
No go there,
Somehow got that all in 4 hours. Sorry Dad. (He's my Boss.) ;)

So I come home to my very messy apartment, which I felt too ashamed to sit in without at least clearing the bottles from binge drinking pride weekend, manage to get the real "mess" in the dishwasher and garbage, throw in some of that never-ending laundry, cook up some shady lean beef for a quick taco dinner before pottery class, slopped some sour cream and tomatoes on that beef and swallowed two shells..........

Then it was get my ass in the car and get to pottery.

So tonight was kinda my last pottery class, I got to glaze my shit and put it in line for the KILN.

I was like don't we get to fire it and Elly the German lady said NO! I do the firing.

I think she especially enjoys that part.

Oh I am awful. Or maybe you didn't get my dumb joke.

Either way.

I finished glazing by 730 and had nothing left to do so I cleaned up my stuff and said goodbye to Elly and all the random people I barely conversed with, awkwardly as it always goes, like, see ya round, pretty much, and I zipped on out of there because honestly, I needed couch and wine.

Now here I am, watching low intelligence TV AKA TLC
not sure why, mainly because I have this thing, when Matt is away, I leave the Tv on all the time.

Weird I know, but I hate to leave an apartment so QUIET.

It's just a thing I've always done, to act like I am not alone, someone is always home.

That was very difficult for me when I actually lived alone, I felt the need to leave on some music or a particular light, or several. Big energy waster here.

Anyways after that random fact I will sum up the message of this blog-
Is so fast paced. So busy. I love it, but sometimes I feel like I am on a ride that won't slow down and I want off. 

I can imagine some of you saying, 
"Wow you think you're busy now, wait till you have kids"

I'm always like, I KNOW! OMG!

Or you could be like,

"Oh yeah, I start work at 5am and finish at 7pm."

To you I say- ugh, no thanks. And


I certainly don't want to stop and go on welfare and be a lay about that is also a shut in, that never goes out or doesn't do anything spur of the moment, that wouldn't be me.

That's why they say keep on rolling baby!

Life ROLLS on and this is Monday.
Tomorrow is Tuesday.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday comes every week.

I really want to USE all those days from now on, even though sometimes I do still have a strong urge to make myself a mess in dirty PJ's covered in cookie crumbs on the couch watching whatever, including CAKE BOSS-WHO JUST FIRED HIS SISTER OMG!!!!

Using our days given to us. 
Not given by God, by ourselves.
We make our lives and life is fun, boring, lovely, annoying, starting early, ending late, cookies....

Shit, life really is what you make it.

To end this Chardonnay infused blog entry I give you (mostly those who haven't seen it already on Facebook, and for you this is old news), but I give you the Blue haired pride beast!



A blurry pic of me creepin' on Lucas
<3 ya buddy.

Another blurry and sweaty pic with miss random lesbian.

She clearly expected a kiss so I gave her a halfie and promptly re-did my lipstick.

An angle of me I am not so fond of and Cathy, who I have been very drunk with a couple of times, but all I know about her is she is a Lesbian, an arborist, sings in a choir, and I enjoy her every time I see her.

The one eyed blue haired pirate and her ultra gay side kick.

(With no nose.)

Kissy face and OMG

So by midnight my feet hurt and my head was SOOO HOT under that plastic wig, plus the drinks add up and I hit 60 bucks or so I say NOPE I can drink cheaper at home.

Of course there are times where I don't worry about drinks, when I have strange gays and tables full of lesbians buying me drinks just for being me.

Crazy I know, and not trying to brag.
I am just a magnet for this stuff when I go out with blue hair.
These things happen.


1 comment:

alicia said...

lookin' sexxxy in the blue wig! but it's true, it's like wearing a friggin' toque they're so hot! totally worth it. <3