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Thursday 3 May 2012

News on my Grandma Frannie, hair, and.... REALLY???

I haven't really had the time to blog about this, but the other day my Grandma Frannie had a small heart attack but is recovering in the new Heart Institute Manzankanzakowski or whatever it is called.

Basically now she is waiting around for a stress test and then she can go home.

But they said they'd do the stress test today and by the time I got there at 7 tonight she was kinda pissed cause she was still waiting.

It seems it may have been brought on by a virus.... she was dizzy for couple days and had some cold symptoms.

It scared me so much but once I saw her, even though I cried a little, I usually do when I see anyone I love in a hospital bed, but she was smiling and her usual self.

So now she is doing fine, maybe a little ready to go home, and we had a visit on Tuesday me, Matt and my mom, and tonight I went solo and brought her a book to read with short chapters about the different beliefs about walking dead in different cultures, she laughed and said 
"Well I think this will be interesting!"

Since I was a kid I will every once in a while bring her a book to read, and even my short scary stories when I was like ten, and she always read them, and fast too.

I couldn't believe she could read a whole book, well about 100 pages, in under an hour.

My G-Ma is sharp.

I would have to say she is much sharper than me, but Grandma Frannie isn't a pothead either.

She still drinks a martini every few weeks too.

Coolest lady ever, I aspire to be a Grandma Frannie.

So we are all breathing sighs of relief and glad she is getting on anti-heartattack drugs and getting a walker. 

I do like that she lives in an assisted living apartment and still gets to have her life as she likes it, but has a help button just in case.

Last few days Edmonton has looked more like The Lower Mainland or London... grey and rainy, which is good is suppose, cause I caught a dry cough and have felt on the verge of a cold for a couple days, I think the only thing preventing a full blown sick day is the Roids I am STILL ON.

They have completely cleared my rashy skin and I am thankful for them, but they really make me go UUUUPPPPPPPPP to where I have anxiety, I sweat, I feel like I need to be somewhere, and work like a maniac in heels. In order to slow my heart down and deal with the anxiety I have needed to take Ativan most everyday, and more than they said I would have to.

Wow I'm just telling you guys fucking everything now aren't I. 

Well anyways, I have to take anywhere up to ten of these calmy time pills a day, I don't want to, but being on steroids feels like being on speed, lots and lots of speed.

Not like I know what being on speed is like....

But I can imagine.

The nurse even used the word- "speedy" but I had no idea it would be this crazy. 
So I've been on these speedy pills for almost a month now, and I have a week left on my "tapered down doses."

Now that they are getting lower I definitely feel less "speedy" but early in the day for hours after my dose I am up up and away.

I can't wait to finish this week of roids, but will admit I am afraid of the rash from hell coming back.

I will be going off it completely and now that my immune system is some super powered yet fucked beast who knows what'll happen. 

It's like I am starting with a new body, and bodily function. It's weird because I really have no idea what's going to happen, all I know so far is that I feel a lot better than I did on Interferon.

It's almost like I have some kind of post traumatic stress, but it hasn't truly manifested itself yet. I am still in shock that my life was turned upside down by Malignant Melanoma, and all the contents of "ERIN' dumped out on the floor and I have to first of all-

Learn how to live life "after cancer"
And be better, better than ever.

Go from being a cancer victim to AWESOME.

It's a process, it seems.

One fun thing, MY HAIR IS GROWING IN!

It is both great and annoying all at once, with these small hairs sprouting in between the stuff I saved with my haircut, that seems like more it of it is a little damaged and still fragile, and will eventually need to be cut off. Intron a penetrated my hair and my hair didn't like it all. 

Eyebrows are still falling out though.

This is a mystery but being the makeup whore I am I fix that problem with MAC pencil.

Me trying to show you the mini hairs growing in on the sides and top of my head. Doesn't work well in a photo, but there is more hair and like a mini mohawk down the middle of my head, with I control with hairspray.

So my hair is looking a little crazy today, but it is thicker and just more. So I am happy.

Really just a gratuitous Cleave shot. Drink it in.
Unless you are my mother, brother, in which case I suppose I apologize to you as you guys clearly aren't going to do so. HAHAH STOP TALKING ERIN

I don't care if I have crazy hair, at least I can get volume and have less front head baldness happening, instead I have little bangs growing in.


So have we all heard of this sick woman who put her daughter in a tanning bed???

REALLY???? This woman is fucking disgusting and should be in jail just for this horrifying wayyyy too tanned look. Putting her daughter in a tanning bed is disgusting but this look is almost just as bad. 

Obvs I don't need to go on about the dangers of tanning, but seriously?

She will have Melanoma one day. I hope it was worth this fucked up look.

So tomorrow be FRIIIIDAAAYYY and I feel like sushi and sake.

I'm too poor to go to Mikado and have a boat and a bottle of sake, so I'll just buy me some and stop at Tokyo express for some salmon and avocado rolls. 
Maybe Dragon roll too....

This weekend is full of stuff, and it would be a whole new entry to tell you all about it, so I will just update you on it all sometime around Sunday evening, when I am surfing the couch and working on being lazy.


1 comment:

alicia said...

even though i've never met grandma frannie, i'm assured that she's awesome because she birthed your mom who in turn birthed you. how many people get to have TWO super awesome grandmas???

the last time i visited, bear and i brought subway over to gramma's and she requested "ham, cheese, and lettuce" and specified that she would "add her own doin's" ie. mustard. i don't know why, but i thought that was hilarious. also, i always tell bear that gramma always says "i'm just tickled!" and she has literally never said it in front of him. but he has, however, been in the presence of "isn't that the limit!" which is pure gold. i love grandmas.

and long comments...
