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Monday 14 May 2012

New week, new problems


Woke up tired.

Not as itchy as yesterday- smile.

New problem- teeth falling out.

One of my perfectly healthy (or so I thought) molars just fell out-well part of it.

I have a phobia about talking about teeth, I get a little grossed out and make this face:

Same face I make when people talk about poop excessively.

Or when I smell poop, from anything, humans, chickens, pigs, barnyard and domestic animals of any kind.

K well any terrible smell and terrible thoughts of like teeth and toenails.

Does this make sense? 

Anyways, I have a dentist appointment to get whatever is left of two teeth yanked. 

I don't really have a choice.

I read A LOT about interferon when I took it, and one thing is can cause is tooth decay.

There I go talking about teeth again.


So it really is something that was inevitable, but it still angers me a little.

I wasn't in exactly a sunshiny mood today, but managed to disguise that for the most part.
No, I wasn't drunk or on drugs either.

That bad mood unfortunately transferred into my clay at Pottery class tonight, and failed and kept failing. Finally I had a near perfect bowl happening, and wrecked the bottom, and ended up with a bottomless bowl.

Our instructor told me it's fine, we can put a bottom on it next time.

Still, a disappointing night really.

Couldn't flow with the clay, maaaaaaannnnnnnnn.

Well, I guess I should take a shower considering I am covered in clay and tired.

I love y'all.


1 comment:

alicia said...

yesterday was just one big suck fest. interferon is an asshole. ugggggh!

i love you <3