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Thursday 17 May 2012

Crazy week man! Ready for May Long!


So I haven't had time all week to get on the blogesphere, busy busy busy lady.

Remember when I was complaining that I was bored and ready to get back to work?

Well Erin be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, and your ass will get raggedy as fuck!

Excuse my foul mouth, but I got it from my daddy.
What can I say.


I loves me some camping/bush parties no matter if it's raining, snowing, hailing, tsunami-ing.

I will fucking be there. And most likely out of control and rowdy.

Most people in my life has met with Hobbema Valentine (my drunk alter ego) at some point, and you never know, she might just show up in a pick up truck full of booze and hotdogs, and get fucking Hobbema style on everyone around me. (Not the drive by shooting.)

I realize my last entry was really whiney and complainey, but just so y'all know I am doing much better and the itchies are not worsening at least. Ironically enough getting a little sun on my skin helps sooooo much with it, and just spending a half an hour in the sun twice this week has improved my arms and shoulders by a lot, and with the tooth decay issue I have a dentist appointment Monday, so all will be much better in a few days I am certain. Feeling pretty good now that I finally got some sleep- since Monday I have been a complete insomniac again- I forgot that I was one before interferon, I could never fall asleep easily.

I hear it is a Welsh curse, and my Dad suffers from the same problem, and pretty much told me to get used to it! 

I just can't function on four hours sleep, so I told my doc, I am a zombie right now cause I haven't been sleeping- he wrote me up a script for some ZZZ pills, which I took last night and had a long and glorious sleep.
 Check out a gift from my father!!!


So anyways, a lot of shit is happening this weekend including a visit to the Alien Landing pad that is apparently outside of St. Paul, my husband just informed me he will not be coming, so I imagine it will be me, John, Lucas and Elaine, unless Slim bitches out on fishing and wants to see this dumb roadside attraction!

There also could be rain. That kinda puts a damper on things but I am not to worried about it. I will make a garbage bag poncho or something if I have to!

I will be drinking but lets hope I don't end up like this!

Poor fellow must have been blind drunk.

I promise to take pictures this time!

I will talk to you rockin' people soon!


1 comment:

alicia said...

man, your dad is so cool. this is the first i'm hearing of the welsh curse, although i am a victim! jeez. why do BOTH sides of my family have to be riddled with curses??? i have at least 20 going on in and around my body at all times. maybe i need some of that tequila to ease my pain...

i hope you have an awesome long weekend! <3

love cuz