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Friday 17 August 2012

Cleaning, cooking, drinking, killing, ect.

Hmm, Friday, finished work, home alone, Matt shipped out to Fort Crack yesterday.

I am kinda half contemplating a nap, but know that shouldn't happen. 
I'm a bad napper.
Either I am exhausted and can't get to sleep, just lie there for 2 hours with my eyes closed and frustrated inside, or I crash and sleep for 3 or 4 hours, waking up thinking it must be morning, no, it's only midnight. Great.

So I reserve naps for when needed badly only.
I also had my share of naps in my year of Interferon anyways, I'm tired of naps.
Fuck naps.

So now what do I do?
Matt isn't here to listen to my dumb shit, watch me sing stupid songs to the cats and dance around in my underwear, or flying around the house on a broom.

I look around and recognize that I am sitting in a pigs pen, then I am thinking hmmm I could clean.... then I think of the Latour Pinot Noir in the kitchen and that makes me think of the chicken that needs to be cooked before it's wasted, and I am sitting here so unsure of what to do that I'm smoking and blogging.

I'll eventually make that chicken, may wash a dish or two, but I won't forget about the Pinot.

Bird lovers beware, I am a bird killer.
Well, attempted bird murderer.
Ok I killed a magpie years ago but tonight I plan on taking another out with my slingshot, because a whole gang of em have taken up residence in the trees outside my balcony.

They fucking squawk horribly and harass the neighbourhood animals, and I am sick of it.
They are actually classified as pests here in Edmonton, so it's totally legal to kill them.

You bet your bottom dollar a magpie is going down tonight.
That will solve the problem, as the birds will smell the blood of their brother on the tree and won't hang out here for years.

How can I be so sure that murder will solve my magpie problem?

This is how:

When Matt and I lived in Capilano we dealt with a whole season of the horrid morning and evening magpie noise and saved many cats from their harassment, and finally we'd had enough so we killed one. 
They didn't come back for 3 years, when we were moving out of the place. 

So that's how, and I will happily slaughter one and I'll let y'all know how that goes of course.

Also, some quick good news!

Matt and I are looking for a house in Forest Heights, our favourite neighbourhood, mainly so I can be closer to my BFF LOL but really, it will be a winter move but it's happening!!!

Now y'all have a good weekend now, I am gonna get to all this shit I gotta do, clean, cook, drink, kill, ect.

Tomorrow I am going to Metallica with a bunch of weirdos like me and I am bound to have way too much fun.

Maybe I'll take pics and post them on the Black Sabbath!




alicia said...

that's totally how i sleep too! this is getting SPOOKY. i'm just awake until i literally shut down.

you should talk to drea about the pigeon infestation she had. it's too bad birds can be such assholes, because i really like budgies. i would totally end up with an eye pecker though.

can bear and i move into your house? please? :D

love youuuu!

Eris Ember said...

Alicia, we are so each others family twin.
I always thought I was the black sheep and no one was quite like me.

I was wrong. We are the same and we are way to far apart for it to be fair.

I will have an extra room for you and bear, get over here!!!!