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Thursday 31 May 2012

Crazy cleaning, crazy skin recipe

So I am late night blogging while I should be working on sleeping, simply because I am wired from 

I believe I am high on the fumes and cleaning for 3 hours straight makes me all busy, I will organize absolutely EVERYTHING and end up organizing makeup and scrubbing the floors by hand.

This makes me sound like a total neat freak, but I'm not, I border on slob at times but I never have anything that can rot in my home for more than... a couple days....

I have improved over the years, if you knew me as a teenager, boy was I ever a little pigpen.

My room, sometimes hard to enter because of a pile of clothes behind the door or some other random junk clothes strewn about schoolwork and cd's, violin sheet music, stuff I found in the alley, books and even plates and cups, towels and lucifer knows what. Just everything, and messy as hell.

I'd mess up my room so bad then I'd take a Friday night to stay caffeinated all night long and clean up my hell hole and re-organize EVERYTHING. I'd clean allll night to the sounds of Smashing Pumpkins and Nirvana and in the morning once my parents were awake I'd vacuum and that room would be sparkling.

This was my way of cleaning, and though I clean wayyyyy more than I did then, I still go on these long cleaning marathons. I am very good at messing things up, but I have discovered that when I clean I am a very good cleaner. I am systematic and focused, and capable of multi-tasking!

Wow, potential new career for me maybe?

So maybe my place isn't the most immaculate apartment you've ever seen, but somehow I manage to keep it under control, kinda, but when I clean it's no joke.

I get into a weird zone and just give'r.

So I am slowly losing the urge to get up and organize all the loose wedding photos, only thing not done, but given that I just made watermelon jello and did a strange and natural moisturizing regimen, which I will share in a moment, I am now couch bound and think I did enough for one night.

Oh yes, the dry skin regimen.

If you have any breakouts this isn't for you.

If your skin is dry, red, irritated and or sore, try this concotion I came up with in my kitchen!


-Olive oil, virgin or no virgin
-Vitamin E capsules (if you got 'em)
-Aloe Vera- best straight from the plant
-A mashing tool- if you have a mortar and pestal you are set.

First mash up the oatmeal with a little water, don't add too much at first, just play 'er by ear. 
You wanna make it into a paste.

Once that oatmeal is as pasty as me, squirt a few Aloe pieces in it, enough so you can see it's snottiness in there. It looks like snot. This is what will take down the redness, it's snot is soothing to burns, bug bite ect. 

Then bust open those Vitamin E capsules and squeeze em in there too, I'd say 4-6 of these babies.

I pour a little olive oil in there, not too much or it won't stay on your face, it'll drip everywhere and make you look like a melty face.

Mix it up nice and slap it on your face, eyes and lips included. It is gentle enough to put all over your eyes, even raw skin.

Let it sit a good hour so all the good oils can soak in.

Remove by patting gently off using a soft cloth and follow immediately with a moisturizer, I use something that is scentless and super gentle, since the skin on my face is like a babies ass.

This is saving me right now and my rashness has gone down. So now I am making it in bigger batches and using it on my body as well!

So there you go, try it out, if you do, let me know how it works for you.

Better find my way into bed, it's half past the witching hour.

Tomorrow is Friday, and I am not sure what is going to happen- Matt is going to fish and have guy time out in Pembina, and I may just shut myself in alone with my cats and sake and some chick movie Matt would never want to watch.

I may even blog. Heheheheheheheheh!

Love y'allzzzz!!!!



Tuesday 29 May 2012

Roller coasters beasts and P Day

I'd say my day was a bit of a roller coaster.
I have said before I myself am a little bit like a roller coaster, fun and scary.

The fun part was just work.
Nothing else.
I actually had a good time at work, felt like whistling and just smoothly navigated the fun job I enjoy and had a few laughs with co-workers.
That was the end of the fun part of the roller coaster.

Now for the scary part.

The PMS is in full effect, the nasty bitch BEAST from the dirty dark woods comes out and usually my husband is the one who has to deal with this scary business from the darkness.
(Poor guy.)

Now all ladies know that the BEAST comes once a month, some months are ok but others are-
Emotional as fuck. 
Just awful for yourself and everyone else around you.

You find yourself asking yourself questions like
"what's wrong with ME?"

Then you remember, oh yeah, the beast is here.

Usually when I remember this fact, I think I can control it.
Not so correct.

I can't control it.
When the beast is unleashed there is no mercy, no prisoners are taken, only eaten, peoples faces get ripped off and my reign of full destruction of the entire city begins.
I start having fantasies about burning buildings and learning how to set up bombs.

(K I'm kidding about the bombs.)

Anyways, I know myself, and unfortunately the beast takes up residence in me for longer than most.
I usually start to have to try and cage the beast around a week to ten days before

I think we all know what the fuck that day is.
For me I know once p day arrives it's just pain and annoyance from there, because p day kills the beast and since that beast is in you, when it dies you are obviously going to feel SOMETHING.

It hurts when the beast dies.

Wow, I am ridiculous but this is my way of describing all the scary stuff that happens to girls every month.

Every once in a while some chick goes

"I never get PMS he he he"

I usually just say 

Fuck you.


It's our penance, for being so fun and pretty and cool.

So we are all like fun, pretty, cool, scary roller coasters.

And what would life be without a good scare or a good laugh?

Not worth living, at least that's what I think.


Monday 28 May 2012

Blue Hair




Now if you would ask why I would seek out a blue wig, you simply don't really know me.

I had to have a long blue wig and Lucifer knows where I'll show up wearing it.

I am so excited about it I may not sleep tonight.

I love you all.

Thanks for loving me back.


Sunday 27 May 2012

10 days without blogging makes Erin Something Something

Hey Y'all!!! 

I've been so busy my tail has been on fire.

I haven't had a chance to blog it up for days!!!!

So last weekend was the May long I was so excited about.
We had a blast but it was definitely colllllllld away from the fire!

So I planned on documenting all activities that happened that weekend, and managed to get a few, but most pics were taken on Slims camera and I keep harassing him to send them to me and that hasn't happened- but it's cool I won't hold it against ya Slimbo.

So here are a few of the pics that I got before my camera decided it was too cold and stopped working.


Me and my bestest friend in the whole wide world

The Campbells- Slimbo and Elaine

A few strange ghostly pics

Good n' drunk.

Boys drinking beer

My husband-not posing for pics since '80

All up in Elaines face

Two of my wonderful friends who rule

Here I am filling up a watermelon with vodka- later added whisky and Redbull too!
We called it the may long melon and it got you googly eyed.

There will be more pics of people with the melon once Slim sends me the pics he got!

Party people

Mitch and Me, if you look down you'll see the May long melon soaking up all the boozy juices.


Drunken stupidity


Really, May long is just another excuse to get shitfaced, and we did, but definitely suffered in the cold- a little more than ever. We all felt like we must be getting old cause we froze our asses off at night, well worth it though.

So this week has been a flurry of work, appointments, teeth pulling, clients, herb gardening, tomato planting, kale planting, a few margaritas, and tonight- Sunday dinner at the Dixon farm and a 
haircut/ colour by Danette!

A little darker, a little purpley-er, with a couple feathers hiding in there too!!!

A beautiful Persiian rag doll beauty kitty at the farm <3

My flirty little man Seth- 5 and this pretty kitty!


This week I found aviators that actually work on my face, without looking too small for my big face.
I also like my hair that day, and out of sheer vanity I couldn't resist snapping a few selfies at red lights.

Yesterday pure gardening look.
My mom and I took a trip to get some fun stuff to plant on my balcony.

My herbs for the year! May buy more in a couple weeks!

Left to right- Cilantro, Rosemary, Basil, Chives, Parsley, Lavender. 

Sweet sugar snack tomatoes, I am hoping for more than 12 like last year!!!

My laser eyed pussy cats last night!


More selfie shots on my new 4G! You can be so vain and pose for the cam, and it'll always be a good pic!  Freeekin' LOVE IT!

Again with the selfie, AND the aviators- damn I am loving these cheap ass glasses!

Hopefully 10 days of not blogging didn't bore all my readers away, but to all those out there in cyber space, outer space, or your moms place much love to y'all and 



Thursday 17 May 2012

Crazy week man! Ready for May Long!


So I haven't had time all week to get on the blogesphere, busy busy busy lady.

Remember when I was complaining that I was bored and ready to get back to work?

Well Erin be careful what you wish for because you just might get it, and your ass will get raggedy as fuck!

Excuse my foul mouth, but I got it from my daddy.
What can I say.


I loves me some camping/bush parties no matter if it's raining, snowing, hailing, tsunami-ing.

I will fucking be there. And most likely out of control and rowdy.

Most people in my life has met with Hobbema Valentine (my drunk alter ego) at some point, and you never know, she might just show up in a pick up truck full of booze and hotdogs, and get fucking Hobbema style on everyone around me. (Not the drive by shooting.)

I realize my last entry was really whiney and complainey, but just so y'all know I am doing much better and the itchies are not worsening at least. Ironically enough getting a little sun on my skin helps sooooo much with it, and just spending a half an hour in the sun twice this week has improved my arms and shoulders by a lot, and with the tooth decay issue I have a dentist appointment Monday, so all will be much better in a few days I am certain. Feeling pretty good now that I finally got some sleep- since Monday I have been a complete insomniac again- I forgot that I was one before interferon, I could never fall asleep easily.

I hear it is a Welsh curse, and my Dad suffers from the same problem, and pretty much told me to get used to it! 

I just can't function on four hours sleep, so I told my doc, I am a zombie right now cause I haven't been sleeping- he wrote me up a script for some ZZZ pills, which I took last night and had a long and glorious sleep.
 Check out a gift from my father!!!


So anyways, a lot of shit is happening this weekend including a visit to the Alien Landing pad that is apparently outside of St. Paul, my husband just informed me he will not be coming, so I imagine it will be me, John, Lucas and Elaine, unless Slim bitches out on fishing and wants to see this dumb roadside attraction!

There also could be rain. That kinda puts a damper on things but I am not to worried about it. I will make a garbage bag poncho or something if I have to!

I will be drinking but lets hope I don't end up like this!

Poor fellow must have been blind drunk.

I promise to take pictures this time!

I will talk to you rockin' people soon!


Monday 14 May 2012

New week, new problems


Woke up tired.

Not as itchy as yesterday- smile.

New problem- teeth falling out.

One of my perfectly healthy (or so I thought) molars just fell out-well part of it.

I have a phobia about talking about teeth, I get a little grossed out and make this face:

Same face I make when people talk about poop excessively.

Or when I smell poop, from anything, humans, chickens, pigs, barnyard and domestic animals of any kind.

K well any terrible smell and terrible thoughts of like teeth and toenails.

Does this make sense? 

Anyways, I have a dentist appointment to get whatever is left of two teeth yanked. 

I don't really have a choice.

I read A LOT about interferon when I took it, and one thing is can cause is tooth decay.

There I go talking about teeth again.


So it really is something that was inevitable, but it still angers me a little.

I wasn't in exactly a sunshiny mood today, but managed to disguise that for the most part.
No, I wasn't drunk or on drugs either.

That bad mood unfortunately transferred into my clay at Pottery class tonight, and failed and kept failing. Finally I had a near perfect bowl happening, and wrecked the bottom, and ended up with a bottomless bowl.

Our instructor told me it's fine, we can put a bottom on it next time.

Still, a disappointing night really.

Couldn't flow with the clay, maaaaaaannnnnnnnn.

Well, I guess I should take a shower considering I am covered in clay and tired.

I love y'all.


Weekend Update

So last night I Teepee creeped with my bestie John. 
I came to his place for the end of a garage sale, randomly put on by Jer's Friends Kyra and Jean-Marcel, a straight up Frenchman. We hung around for a while, then it was off to Lucas' place to check out his Secret operation.

I'd tell you about it, but it is a SECRET!

Then off to Wendy's for a burg and choco-milkshakes, then to my place to hang out the way John and I do- which is totally random and fun. 
We blab, there are a lot of OMG'S, we got in the photo booth (see last night's entry), laugh and lament, look up Tom of Finland paintings and tattoos, make jewellery, 
 dish and dish some more.

This is some of the Tamer Tom of Finland, in case you are wondering who Tom of Finland, he is a great gay artist- and basically a pornographer. But it's ART! So it's not porn. 
If you really wanna see the dirtier shit, google it. I'm not going to force it upon you on here. HA!

We hung out till like 4 am. I was actually quite tired today because I went to bed ultra late!



We had a lovely celebration at my parents, where I gave my mom and Grandma's necklaces I of course crafted and cards, and I picked up V-Sandwiches (Vietnamese Subs) and Daley and Alicia came up from Calgary and we all drank sangria on the deck, had some laughs, and appreciated MOM!

My mother is not only the best and coolest mom ever, she is also my best friend.


Hahaha, haven't called you that in a while, think I'll bring it back for a while, however I started calling you my moo I don't know, but it's a good one.

Who knows, maybe next year I'll start calling you Leigh... or probably not cause that's weird.!

My moo and Grandma Frannie with Alicia at OUR WEDDING!

Don't they look amazing?!!!

These are actually cookies! I didn't make them. 

So now I have some not so good news.

So you all know that I took steroids these last six weeks or so to clear up the nightmare rash from the depths of burning all consuming rash hell?

Yeah, I finally finished my weening of roidos a few days ago and now the FUCKING RASH IS BACK!

Everywhere, angry, and worse than before. 

This is what I picture the "rash" looks like.

A fucking ugly, red eyed, sneaky little Gremlin with Tiny fingers and sharp teeth.

I am pissed, had a little cry tonight, but I still have a few green pills that help a lot.

They make me a little zombie like though, zoned and weird.
K,WEIRDER I guess.
They help with the itch, a little.
So I was hoping I could close this dumb chapter of my life and not have a cocktail of pills floating around in my system but I have tried EVERYTHING and started with natural, nothing cleared up rashish like prednisone.

Now before you put on your doctor coat and tell me to take an oatmeal bath, trust me, I've tried it, but I don't' need any suggestions, thanks.

I think that's the bitchiest thing I've said on my blog.... hmmmm maybe not.

But seriously, I start getting a little annoyed when people go on about what I should try, I can't show it, but now you know anyways cause I am putting it on blast!


Now enough whining, I am seeing my doc on weds and we shall see, we shall see.

I may end up back on drugs again for a while, but most importantly I have to have something to suppress the itch or I'll rip my skin off and have another staph infection, also known as flesh eating disease.

Yeah, that's the number one thing I am trying to avoid.

Like I said I did cry a little earlier, like an angry why me kinda cry, then I mellowed out a little with my friend mary-jane and I realized I have to laugh about it and just deal for now. 

I took cancer treatment for a year, you don't just get over that like you do a cold.

It takes a lot longer (than I'd like it to) to get back to a new version of what you were before.

I really have no idea how long this shit is going to carry on but I know that I have already been through a lot and can soldier on, kick some fucking ass.



This coming weekend.

We are going to a lake lot to camp in a field and act like idiots.



Drive into town and start fights.

See the alien landing pad John keeps going on about.

Taking pictures of ourselves on this alien landing.

I am so excited my bestie will be with me, he's packing Lucas with him and Slimbo and Elaine will be there too, lets not forget the host is Ryan Smith (not the hockey player) and Francis (known to John as Diane LOL) and Mitch and all the BOYYYYEEEEZZZZZZZZ WHOOOOOP!

I image there could be some squirrel killin', ATV riding, stuff burning (lucifer knows what will be set on fire) and drunken people everywhere.

*Sorry Mum.*

No matter what this week brings, I do have that fun to look forward to!

Now to get my ass to bed to rest up for work tomorrow, then pottery afterwards!

Stay shiny pretty babies!
