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Tuesday 29 October 2013

The routine of a "responsible" 30 year old

Just checkin' in to let the world and my stalkers know I'm alive and well, I haven't forgotten about you! I have in fact been WORKING and I must say I kind of like it. 
I took a good 5 months of some kind of belated convalescence I probably needed a couple of years ago, but still schooling myself and of course I worked with mutts and my friends, but it was time to get serious and become gainfully employed.

So I chose to go back to esthetics. I get to play with nail polish and makeup and make some people really beautiful and others just barely tolerable to look at, I do gross things like deal with knarly feet and blackheads oh and lets not forget the almighty BRAZILLIAN!

So it all makes for a fun and interesting job with lots of funny stories to tell on the weekends.

I am back into "routine" and something about that feels good; it's predictable, I know every second friday I will have a pay check, I'm not floating around trying to figure out what to do with myself I have something to do. Just like a kid in a bad neighbourhood- I need to be kept busy or I get myself into trouble!

My routine goes something like this.

9am: Awake!.... snooze button.

915am: Cats meowing for food because they heard my alarm a whole 15 minutes ago!
FINE I'M UP. The cats are fed before I even go to the bathroom.

930am: Yes 15 minutes later I am out the door. How do I do that you ask? Years of refinement. I have been rushing since I was 15, at this point I have it down to a fine art. I do the fastest makeup you've ever seen but ALWAYS bring it with me just in case I need to fix it. Oh, and I always plan what I am wearing the night before, but now all I wear everyday is BLACK SCRUBS! Takes all the thinking out of it.

935am: I have arrived at Second cup for my Medium latte with 2 raw sugars. Lately I haven't wanted much breakfast until I've been up a couple of hours, sometimes I even skip it. I know thats bad but I at least have me a latte and a cigarette. Keeps the system running on time and less calories. 

10am: Werkin'.
If I'm not taking clients, I am not usually in the staff room because it's full of gossips and people asking me about my life. Guess what I am not here to share my life with you. I have enough friends and I am here to take YOUR money. That's right, I will work to take your clients. I am not dirty or underhanded I am just very straightforward, and don't get my feelings hurt too easily. I will of course be pleasant, I will always smile, but this is to cover my ass so no one can say that I am a bitch to you. Got it?

6pm: K done work, home to take off the scrubs and get in the shower. Then it's straight to the 420 box to worship Cron. Call me a pothead if you will, but I think of it as medicine. If I didn't have the sweet cheeba green I would be on the ceiling all the time, wouldn't sleep, and may even have acted on my murderous fantasies, so, you're welcome.
Hmm, got the munchies now! Whats for dinner....

7pm: One of three things happen. I cook a meal, whatever it's gonna be, 3 course, bomb food, breakfast for dinner... OR I dial 473-7373 and add a wing meal OR I leave the house again to sit down for Pho or sushi. Most of the time I'm too tired to do that so I go back to option 2 if I have no food to cook. I do prefer to cook but sometimes when I'm working that's the last fuckin thing I wanna do and guess what I don't have to! I don't eat a lot of 473-7373 but they do know my address and usual order.

9pm: I may fight it but now it's time for me to start chilling out. My roomies are usually in bed so I go downstairs to my lair and either clean up the mess I made that morning, or do a couple loads of laundry with a movie on or put on a few tunes and write, sometimes I abandon that because of writers block or just not liking the sound of my writers voice. 
I may also need a repeat of dinner in a smaller portion OR make a PB&J.
Hey! Sweet cheeba green, help tire me out.

11pm: I've probably been watching either a movie or some trash TV on my computer, maybe a dateline real life mystery or two, but it's time I try and sleep. Sometimes this comes easily and sometimes not. I could be asleep by 11:07 or lie saucer eyed for another 2 1/2 hours... depends. I do some of my best thinking during that time every night, and have come to resolutions before I fall asleep and feel good about it the next morning, which will start at 9:15, to the sound of two cats meowing and my snooze going off.

As much as I enjoyed 5 months off, I enjoy being a responsible adult as well. Sometimes it sucks working all week, theres so many other things to do instead! But when sleeping till noon is commonplace because "you can" it is time to do something more with your life. 
There won't be any vacations for this gal for quite some time, but thats ok because 5 months was a niiiiiiiiiiice vacation, but my wallet is officially empty and needs to be replenished... Food, beer, metal show tickets, gas for my car, expensive makeup and black clothing does not fall from the sky. I've got a lifestyle to maintain!

Thanks for reading, you're cool.


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