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Tuesday 24 September 2013

Getting more and more mature by the minute

WELL! This is my first blog entry as a 30 year old "woman"...

You can clearly tell by these pics I am totally mature, how about my teen goth room decor? I know you're jealous of my green corpse hand string lights. 
Hey I spent half my life trying to be grown up and now I'm trying to make up for that.
Why am I blogging tonight you ask? Because I'm drinking cider and everyone went to bed and I need someone to talk to, hence, I babble, you read. I like this relationship already. Only thing is today I don't have anything enlightening to say so I'll just post pictures with a few shitty captions. Who likes to read anyways?

So I turned 30 and had me a white trash bash. I know what you're thinking, aren't all your parties white trash bash's? If you thought this you would be correct but the point was to really give'r in this department. It was a fun way to end a decade.

Here are some highlights.

Don't mind that there titty. They always tryinna escape their home.

She's an artist of the make-ups

I yeller for jeller shots

No fancy deck-or heer, all ya need is red solo cups and moskeeter candles

These two's is from Southern Ontario 

Redneck black tie

Dem titties tryinna bust er again

Chelsey's babies name is Jemima and she's lookin' for a daddy, ma boyfriends done gone and told me twice again

All kinds of flattering happening heer

Jemima and Abortia, they liked the butterscotch ripple!

Anyone without a costume isn't in the pictures, but I had a great time with all who came, it was a shot-gunnin' hog ass hoedown and I'll do it again for my 40th. 

Moving on, here's the most exciting person in my family right now... EVIE! 
I LOVE being an auntie!

With GG

Just before a sneeze!

Evie and G-ma!

About to get some boob!

Poppa and Evie!

Me and Evie!





How cute is she?!

Well I gotta go, a bag of chocolate chips is calling my name and calling it loud.
Peace be with you, shiny ones.


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