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Tuesday 30 October 2012

Auntie Erin

So I just realized I hadn't made the official announcement on here yet....

I'm going to be AUNTIE ERIN!!!

My brother Daley, my most loyal blog follower is "pregnant", well actually he got his wife all knocked up!

Some cool things is about others having babies is:

1. I don't have to get fat 
2. I don't have to take care of it
3. I can play with baby, have my fun, give it back
4. Sometimes people will give me their baby for a day, and I get to pretend it's mine


Thursday 25 October 2012

Waiting for the miracle

So I am wrapped in life and writing has taken a back seat.
Music for me is the easiest way to feel good, because it's easier than writing sometimes, because sometimes it's difficult to articulate what's really happening.

I know I usually hang my laundry out to dry on here but right now it's not an option.

These are lyrics that I needed to hear tonight, thank you Mr. Cohen.

Baby, I've been waiting, 
I've been waiting night and day. 
I didn't see the time, 
I waited half my life away. 
There were lots of invitations 
and I know you sent me some, 
but I was waiting 
for the miracle, for the miracle to come. 
I know you really loved me. 
but, you see, my hands were tied. 
I know it must have hurt you, 
it must have hurt your pride 
to have to stand beneath my window 
with your bugle and your drum, 
and me I'm up there waiting 
for the miracle, for the miracle to come. 

Ah I don't believe you'd like it, 
You wouldn't like it here. 
There ain't no entertainment 
and the judgements are severe. 
The Maestro says it's Mozart 
but it sounds like bubble gum 
when you're waiting 
for the miracle, for the miracle to come. 

Waiting for the miracle 
There's nothing left to do. 
I haven't been this happy 
since the end of World War II. 

Nothing left to do 
when you know that you've been taken. 
Nothing left to do 
when you're begging for a crumb 
Nothing left to do 
when you've got to go on waiting 
waiting for the miracle to come. 

I'm not going to put the whole song on here but some words that mean a lot to me, if you don't know this song or Leonard Cohen I strongly suggest you acquaint yourself with this amazing and Canadian poet/musician.



Monday 22 October 2012

Pompelo Toddy

Life has been hectic with hardly any time to sit down.

Some ups for a while then a down, a big down.

Just a problem with chemicals in my brain, it is innate to me.

While I'd love to write a full on entry I just don't have the energy right now.
So instead I'll show you a drink I had, that you should to.

Sanpellegrino Pompelo (Grapefruit) and rum.

Only way I'll drink rum, and I have a some throat, thats my excuse for drinking on a Monday.

Helps my throat SOOOO much. You could call it a Pompelo Toddy.

I promise a more entertaining/ wordy blog this week sometime. 

Thanks friends, love you all.


Monday 15 October 2012


Hello my shiny pretties!
I haven't been able to blab your ear off about whatever is irking or downright pissing me off lately, or sharing my recent events and whatnot because I have been acutually very very busy 6 days a week.

All I have time for is photos, but later this week if I get an evening to myself I will tell you all about my adventures. 

Until them check out some dumb pictures!

My butt in my new Pj pants, I think it looks pretty juicy and wonderful I had to post it.
I don't usually post body parts but my butt with pink zebra must be shown, sorry mom, dad, brother.

A new darker richer red, plum black it's called, done freshly last night by moi, including the extensions, whoop!

Gotta do that camera whoring.

K last one.

BOOM! For new haircolor. yeeewp!

The camera makes it look lighter than it is.

And that all.
I'll have more interesting things to say in the next couple of days.


Friday 12 October 2012

Cowboy Up!

I am so fucking proud of my longtime buddy Oakland and his wicked Psychobilly/ Rock n' Roll band RAYGUN COWBOYS!!!!

The album has been released and though I've been promised an autographed album I still bought their album on iTunes and you should too!!!!/id559506779

Oakland does lead vocals on "Broken down in Montreal" and I am like a proud mama.

Fuck ya these Edmonton guys are gonna rock the world, all great musicians with balls.

I will stay a loyal fan till the end baby!


Tuesday 2 October 2012

Weekend alcohol abuse, Amish scandal, stuff like that

Ok so I've attempted to blog for a couple of days but I am not allowed to post the video of my crazy cats going crazy over a plastic string and a box.

Yes that's all I really had to say for the last couple of days, I am functioning on a moderately slow cruise control, or an auto pilot for a couple of days, blame it on the fun I had on Saturday:

Reoccurring themes are:

Drag, Chihuahua's, Skeletons, Jäger. That is all.

So I had so much fun this weekend, but it is totally almost Wednesday.
One of those weeks that started off kinda wrong- well, not quite right, therefore I have been playing in defensive mode in a way and spending most of my free time eating and watching The Sopranos marathons with Matt and "vegging" (more like burger-ing) with my cats not expecting much out of day to day, it can be easier when you do not expect too much out of life.

 Not that it's been a horrible week so far- well, couple of days actually- it's been just fine for the most part, no health problems, no deaths, no car accidents, a lot of emotional eating, but decent so far.

I do have ONE good thing to say about my week, I got a raise at work in exchange for my new responsibilities, and that did brighten up things and give me some kind of jolt-

HAHAH that word, JOLT, of Jolt Cola, I remember it was like liquid crack for the teens of the 90's-

Anywho it did help move things along this week, give me a reason to get to next week, to work everyday.

Tonight has been a mix of The Sopranos and "The Learning Channel", which is always educating me on being Amish in New York, Secret lying Princes and Honey fucking Boo boo, even being a perfect christian baby machine like this Michelle Duggar of 19 kids and counting.

Now you're going to say, 
That's crap, I don't watch those shows.
I don't know who "The Duggars" are.
Yes you do, and you know it.
If you didn't before you do now, you googled it.
Hm, that's what I thought.
Yeah you kinda like it, you may even partake in a marathon or two.
Yeah you aren't calling your friends back anymore, because you are
You'd betta Redneckednize!

Oh so bad.
I'm done polluting my mind for a night and thought I'd update and then smash down on my soft soft pillow.

In closing I will say that if you haven't seen this one show, Breaking Amish, watch it.
It may not be a huge learning experience like TLC wants you to believe it is, but it sure is fucking fascinating, watch watch watch!

The guys are outright uneducated yokels and the girls are slutty/prudish/confused, plus there is a bunch of internet scandal happening around two of the cast members, who claim not to have known each other before the show but they actually have a baby together?!?


Worth the hour an episode I'd say.
