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Wednesday 16 April 2014

The new girl in town

So really the name of this blog is a lie now that I live on a farm.
2 weeks ago I packed up all my shit, quit my job and moved to the middle of nowhere, and I couldn't be happier.

EVERYTHING in my life has changed. Absolutely EVERYTHING.
I am going from city living in a veritable circus house full of laughter and people, no real routine and no real groceries to speak of, flying by the seat of my pants always, working for someone else, and of course, sleeping alone, which I do not miss.

It's a lot quieter here than the BGM (Big Gay Mansion) and I wake up at the same time everyday already, 8:45, WHAT?! So I already have a routine. A chick named Hex with a routine. Pshhh wow.

I'm also trying to get my business together, and yesterday I officially started advertising my services. I really hope I get busy because I do not want to work for some dick who wants to pay me less than a Tim Hortons employee and tell me what to do. I do not do well with authority, mainly because I want to be the authority. It's proving hard to find a decent employer in the spa industry out here, I have to commute 40 mins- yes thats how remote it is- and encountered a bunch of idiots running spas that don't seem like they know anything about what they are doing. One guy had me fill out a 7 page essay  instead of an interview and when I called to follow up he sounded lost and embarrassed that he had no clue where my resume was. Another called me in for a second interview where I was greeted by a bitchy Slovakian woman who was asking me stupid questions like " Can you pain nail polish well?" And even asked me to come back on another day to give her a pedicure to make sure I know what I am doing. I didn't come back to give her a pedicure.

Because 8 years, my own business and a 95% beauty school average doesn't speak for itself I guess.

I go into town and I am being watched. ALL eyes are on me, the new girl in town.

Heres my song:

It's ok, I never really mind people staring, unless I have PMS and having a shitty day then you could get the fire lasers through my retinas so watch out. Sometimes when people stare a little too hard I give their medicine right back to em, I give a sweet smile and stare back, with an air of a singsongy kind of "what the fuck are you looking at? :)" They ALWAYS look away. So far I've noticed that people out here are:

-Like to talk
-Slower than city folk
-Buy lots of lottery tickets
-Know everyone (hence the staring)
-Like country music (just as I suspected)
-Wave at each other on the backroads
-Seem to have all the time in the world

In my city life I am often in 18 different places in one day. I don't have time to talk longer than a couple of minutes, and everyone seems to like it that way. I've noticed people out here talk an average of 10 minutes longer than anyone in the city you run into, and it's hard to know when to say "Gotta go!" So far it's me every time that stops the talking to hit the road. It's too foreign this concept of not being in a rush to get somewhere and do something, get shit done and not just be beating around town stopping to talk with everyone. I don't get it... yet.

There's so much to wrap my head around that it is a little overwhelming at times. I found I have been getting anxiety over trying to get my business rolling while getting used to entirely new surroundings and an entirely new way of life. Its exciting but also very scary. I am not one to get scared to easily but some days out here I am definitely freaked out. I know that in the end I am going to love it, and already do, but still, whoa.

When I go grocery shopping I feel like I am resupplying for a camping trip. It's weird. The little Sobey's in Redwater is so cute, and I don't expect it to have regular "big city" items and when it does I am surprised and delighted.

Out here is the ultimate in recluse living. Me and my man can sit on the back porch and shoot bottles with a BB gun.
We can burn shit whenever we please, and the metal is loud. I liiiikkkke it.


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