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Wednesday 26 March 2014

The ugly side of beauty

So I'm thinking I should be calling this blog "The bitchy esthetician" cause that's how I feel these days, but I'd be ripping off this guy (who I love btw):

My job fucking sucks.
It almost is enough to make me hate it, but I will not let those greezy lebs steal my soul after stealing out of my pocket.

There is ZERO incentive with that company. (I will stop short of saying the name of the place, that way they can never say I was slandering them! HA! Take that ********!!!) ZERO incentive. Even when I manage to sell a bunch of products I look at my check and I'm not even payed commission on them. When all you do all is day is groupon deals -that are basically half priced or less- you cannot earn commission. You could be busy 9 straight hours without a lunch and STILL not take home commission. Fucking bullshit. They literally are stealing money thats not there right out of my bank account. I could be making so much more but instead I have no choice but to make their pittance of an hourly rate. No raises offered, they don't pay you for the time spent in classes to benefit them, and charge high prices with the place crumbling around the customers. No working facial steamer. In a spa. Wtf. Not right.

To top it off, these half price customers are mostly the worst type of customer you'll ever have. Except you have them everyday. They complain, they don't tip, they have fucking packages so you have to see them for 4 whole fucking treatments, they are rude and like I said, either don't tip or tip you once like $5-$10 and then each time they return to you for another treatment in their package, they don't tip because they figured they already tipped you once, they've given you enough. How else will they get all of that for almost free?

Cheap people disgust me. They think they are so smart pocketing that money that should go to the person who just doted on them for an hour or 3, they will build a castle of that money and sit in there all alone and hated and miserable on the inside. They would wipe their own asses with that money before they properly tip the waiter or the esthetician or stylist or whatever. I hate them, I don't want them as friends, I wouldn't date a cheapo, I think they are the poison of the earth.
Their greed shines through their eyes, with steadfast resolve, an un-penetrable ugliness with the strict goal of saving a buck.

But really it's the company allowing all of these cheap people in in the first place, they are the ones doing this to me. They don't have to actually do the work so they don't care. The salon business is a tough go for anyone no matter how talented. It's not an east business to get rich in, but these guys seem to have it down. Steal from the employee, pocket a big check. Boom! Daddy's got enough money to support all the families in his village back in Lebanon, getting money off the backs of Canadians and the immigrants he pays slightly more than the Canadians. But lets not enough touch that one.

Ugh I almost feel like I just punched a pillow for an hour and am almost totally exhausted. I just am tired most of the time these days. Tired of bullshit. I'm about to stop all this working for someone else and go work for myself again. Being your own boss is the shit. I only want to work for Erin. She's nice and she won't make me work till 9pm or take a cut on commission, she will make me work hard but reward me for it! Wow what a concept. I can't wait to work for me again.

I only have a couple of shifts left, but my anger has been growing. It's all I can do to suck it up and put a smile on my face for the hope that I'll make a decent tip. That's right, that's why we smile, we've got motives of our own. :)

K blogeshere, friends and stalkers alike, this bitchy beauty school star has to go to sleep, to wake up and make cheap people feel special all over again.


1 comment:

alicia said...

dude, i fucking HATE coupon people. they're so entitled and throw a fit if they can't get their half priced luxury goods/services. get back in your mercedes and go fuck yourself!