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Saturday 1 March 2014


  1. 1.
    put (old ideas or material) into a new form without significant change or improvement.

This is TOTALLY my song today, I'm in the middle of a Journey rock out.

I included the one with lyrics in case you are stoned and introspective right now like me.


So I didn't get to finish, there are so many more pet peeves in the world of Hex.

This first one is weird, but it's an aesthetician thing.

How this complicates things is that I love and hate Enya. The music was made to relax you, put you in a trance like state, fall asleep. Her melodies are enchanting, which is all well and good if you're having a spa day, but if you're working and susceptible to the relaxing flowing harmonies of  for any reason like being tired or overworked lets say,  after "Only Time" plays twice you are hypnotized and staying sharp and fast gets more and more difficult. Enya is the aestheticians krytonite.

I had Enya songs in my head all day and night the other day and spent most of the work day staring into oblivion with hypno swirls in my eyes.

Whats worse than enya though is the duck sounds followed by an equally hypnotizing asian sounding tune, just as sure to leave you with swirly hypno eyes.

Have a listen! See what this does to you.

You could be asleep in 3 minutes and won't finish this blog.

Hmm heres another, being treated like a free taxi cab.

Not too many people take advantage too hard but theres always someone who takes your good will for granted. I didn't' have a car till my late 20's, and I took the shoelace express damn near everywhere I went, busses and cabs when I had the cash to spare. I never really asked for rides, I waited for people to offer them to me.

It's not a magic carpet you hop on to miraculously with no effort get to your destination, I always got that, at least once I was out of my parents house of course. Moms ARE taxis.
It seems some just don't see what trouble it would be to whip you and your friend to two different places on opposite sides of the city. I did it a few times when I first got my licence and took an hour and a half out of my day, fuck that.

 I've offered nameless people rides, say from work when it's cold, but the next week it may not be as cold and I may be tired, you don't know unless I offer.

People who don't shower and force me to smell their reek. I have to touch and work around you, this is what I do.
Not cool and needs no more elaboration.

With all that I complain on here, you'd think I would be in jail for assault or something, but the psychopath lies DEEEEEEP down and I prefer to project a happy fun loving facade. I laugh a lot. So much that sometimes you can tell people think I'm a little over the top. I then can switch and be very quiet and introverted, then people are really wondering what the fuck is wrong with me.

Well according to the psychologist I saw after my life was ravaged by melanoma then divorce, NOTHING!!! (now.) I'm healthy, physically and mentally, and I have to attribute that to not being afraid to say whats on my mind, with no fear, and also my ability to call out bullshit. I guess I just feel like those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. Life's too short to go to bed with a bottle full of feelings.

So really, theres no apologies for what you feel, ever.

I have a bunch of people coming over here to celebrate my friend Jessor's birthday, gotta go! We've got chocolate cake and beeeeeeer.

Lurve yers!


1 comment:

alicia said...

'i'm not a magic carpet..." LOVE YOU.