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Thursday 6 June 2013

Crazy hacker slag off, facebook fag and other stories

Oh wow that is bizarre. It appears I have some kind of hacker that knows my not so secret password logging in and out at another location.
Yeah my computer tells me that, weirdo, whoever you are, what do you think you are going to discover behind the scenes what I'm saying on here? This is a public blog, all of my entries have been published and if not you might have a few bunk ass drafts to read, why would you care to read what everyone can already read for themselves or while I'm writing it can you just be patient enough to fuck off so I don't have to keep logging in and losing words out of my entry? 
Who would do that? Why?

YOU KNOW that's a good question.
Why would someone do... why? 
Why not is the answer.

Hence this burn blog. (And some other stuff too, not all burn and churn.)

So people seem to enjoy reading my "burn blogs" where someone gets a deserving toasting of their asses on here with absolutely no shame whatsoever, leaving you wondering,


Or you just laugh cause you know me and know I'm just saying online what most people would say in private, because I'm ok with putting my own spin on the stories of my life out for anyone to read, writing shouldn't be hidden, and since this has become somewhat of a trademark for me I'll let one or two more more burns rip.

So the other day my gay bestie husband for life told me my ex added him on Facebook. Of course I scold him a little for adding him, cause I am trying to hide from him on there.

Now I'm not going to say the full name he was going by that REALLY confused me but the last name was TINSEL like... THE SPARKLY SHIT YOU PUT ON A CHRISTMAS TREE, THE GAYEST SHINIEST SHIT ON EARTH... I thought it was a strange moniker and when scanning quickly to see if it was him I see he's been updating statuses every 10 fucking minutes and most of it is whiney or overly braggy or gay gay gay in a bad wayyyyy OK?!

I'll tell you why it struck a particular cord with me about seeing him on Facebook in the first place.

While we were together he hated seeing me on Facebook. No matter what I was doing he was all snoopy about it. He said it was for stupid people. He HATED IT. The snooping didn't bother me that much since I never had anything to hide on there.

He started to snoop more regularly and start thinking that I was sleeping with a chunk of the list or something, most of em gay even, so I delete Facebook, for him, to shut him up, and now here he is using Facebook like a slave. Wow... *fans myself*

Anyways so some text he sent me that involved seeing me or fixing my car or both , yeah, both, with a strange glimmer of hope sprinkled in there, after we have literally been estranged for quite some time, I was confused and decided to snuff out any further efforts for him to get near me by telling him these four incredibly effective words...


All of a sudden it's like I could even hear a trains brakes go full board.
I of course got a text back, WHY DID YOU TELL ME THAT?
Lets just say I got text tears, and I am not that evil that I am sitting back laughing about it but I guess I have no idea how to be subtle about a big thing.
In a moment unlike me, I became weak and told him I was sorry I told him.. that way.
I've never been sorry for my honesty, and honestly, he wasn't, if ya know what I mean!
 Doesn't matter who I am dating eventually it'll get around to him anyways, you could say that I was being nice by letting him know instead of hearing it some other way- though my delivery wasn't the kindest- after seeing that outright hypocritical shit on the internet I was kind of raging.
 Years of being bullied about stupid Facebook, and now he's a fag for Facebook!

A Facebook fag.


Well well well folks it appears that some people just cannot be fixed, because they have no idea who they are in the first place. Can you say... Multiple personality disorder?

Oh yes over the top that way it's done right.

That's a body bonfire right there. Toss em on. Let it burn.

Enough with the body bonfire. He's gotten burned enough on here, but again he did say it was a stupid blog so he'd be stupid by association if he read this therefore can't complain about any slander listed in any of these entries! BOOOOOM AGAIIIIIIIN!!!

Well I did say it wasn't finished until it was over the top!


Onwards... Today my pops had a biopsy done on his thyroid to figure out what's going on there, and is having surgery in about 2 weeks.. June 19th. 
They just go in there with a weird mechanical surgery scope and get the shit all dug out, close him up and fill a drip with morphine and gravol and slap ya in a room all fucked up on their sleepy time drugs for days before you even really know what's been going on... but I'll be around as often as possible and bringing him whatever the hospital won't... other than wine of course...

Anywho he took the biopsy like a champ, and we are almost to the next hurdle. That's how you have to think about big things like this- in little doses at a time.

Yeah I know he'll get through it and he is lucky... we just don't ever want any of this but life brings it sometimes and you gotta roll with the punches. Look for the silver lining, if life gives you lemons- make lemonade! All that cheesy shit.
My dad is looking good, young, rested, which he should be right now.

What else has been going on in my normally circus like lifestyle?
Well sure the same ol' day to day circus shit happens here at the BGM, and really it's not like it's always a party but we laugh a lot lot lot. Holy shit do we ever laugh, about everything, life is hilarious and shouldn't be taken too seriously all the time. It's a great place to live.

The other day we were watching a sassy black character named Foxxy Love on a show called Drawn Together, of course now John wants a black wife, like literally almost turning un-gay for black women because of Foxy Love and now a girl at the liquor store! This is all weird because a couple of years ago I dreamt I was witness to him marrying a black woman for some convenience thing... it was bizzare and  gay and messed up and I was wearing a suit... the setting was my Elementary/Jr. High school... very weird dream. 

I am pretty sure I was on Interferon which caused a lot of fucked up dreams, told him about it and reminded him the other day after he professed his fake gay love for the liquor store girl.
We had a laugh and that's how I know it ain't real love love.

It's just FOXXY LOVE.

That's my fun life, I really can't complain about it today.


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