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Sunday 7 April 2013


On this day 4 years ago I had to put my beloved 30 pound cat Pinky to sleep, which broke my heart and I miss that fatty, he sure had one serious personality.
Just a quick entry to take a moment to remember Pinkster McGee.

I couldn't find ANY pics of him, what I had of him were stored on a computer that died a brutal death, then were on phones that died brutal deaths as well, but I do have an album full of Pinky pics except it's packed away in some of my stored items and I have no idea where in this jam it could be, but truth be told, he would probably hated me more for showing a picture of him as he was almost 30 pounds and WHITE, not the most slimming colour, he would hiss at the camera and he didn't want no pictures taken of him, so I believe he would have not wanted to be shown anyways.

Pinky was a gigantic white cat with pink features that loved lasers and fetching- for the first year of life or so- but that all changed by around 1 or 2 years old where all he wanted to do was eat and hiss.

One time he literally spat in my brother Daley's face, who actually gave me the cat in the first place.

Pinky loved his food more than anything else, that's why I put a little photo of him in his food dish and put it in a box so that he could always be in his dish, that was his very favourite place to be. 
What little love he had in his heart was for food and nothing else.

That Pinky was the cutest little rascal as a kitten, climbing cupboards and even getting in the fridge once when I wasn't looking, and my other cat at the time Asia was meowing at the fridge one morning on my way off to work, I open the fridge and the Pink jumps out.

He quickly learned how to dumpster dive and would scavenge himself all the chicken bones but would seldom actually eat much of it, to him it was a present to you, garbage all over the floor.

That was my Pinkerton!

He hated children more than anything, which is hard to believe cause he hated most everything A LOT but his hate for babies ran so deep I warned people against ever bringing their children over.
 It was mainly the high pitched screaming he hated, he would attack my head if he was lying on the couch behind me and I startled him with a loud laugh, he would turn on you.

One such time I did laugh loudly and startled him awake and in a second his claws were in my scalp and I was shaking my head violently trying to get him off of me and he's dancing and hissing and trying to murder me, but shortly after I would always fall for it and reward him with food, I wanted him to love me so desperately.

But the children, oh my god, the children, I sometimes wonder if he would have tried to take a fetus from a womb he hated them so much.

That was Pinks.

Miss ya buddy, even if you would have actually killed me if you got the chance.


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