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Tuesday 3 July 2012

Le Bleu, and WTF? A skeleton with a trombone?

Ok, before I update you all on my weekend and week thus for I have to quote this really really obese man from a show about people who prep for the apocalypse, called 'Doomsday preppers."

"Ma necks broke, ma backs broke, ma hips broke, ma whole body's broke only thang that ain't broke is ma mouth, still moves a mile a minute."

Oh man that made me laugh, but maybe you won't, it might have been a you had to be there  kinda thing....


So I slept most of the weekend after my late night blogging I started to feel on the verge of a cold. 

Went to bed around 3 am, slept till 10, got up and felt like total shit, earache a brewin', sore throat, sinuses ouchy.

I took all the necessary vitamins such as vitamin c and zinc, cold fx and swallowed a whole clove of garlic (a cab driver once told me to do this when feeling like you are getting sick.)
Had a couple sinus pain meds and it was back to bed for this bitch till almost 7 pm, and when I awoke, I had killed the cold!

I woke up not sure if I was feeling better, but I got up and took a shower and felt like a million bucks! 

I went back to bed 4 hours later and slept in just to be sure that I wasn't going to get a full blown cold. It worked I tell ya, but most of my weekend was gone when I woke up.

So there you go, that's how you kill a cold! Anytime you feel "on the verge" of getting sick, take the following items:

2-3 chewable vitamin C's
2 zinc losenges
A whole clove of garlic, peeled but not cut, completely intact
Start the 3 days of cold FX by taking the first 3 pills
Advil cold and sinus

Then sleep sleep sleep. It is the bodies best medicine I am sure of it! 
Just fucking sleep. Don't get up for anything. A party, a person, your animals, the doorbell, work, children- LoL that might not be an option if you are a single mom, but if you're not, that husband/wife of yours can handle the kids/take them out of the house... whatevs. Demand it if you must.

Just keep sleeping, and you'll feel normal when you wake up, I swear!
The only thing is this is only going to work if the cold is just stirring in your system, you feel that yucky feeling starting. 

I am actually really ecstatic about that. I beat a cold so that means my immune system is back after being decimated. 

When I got a cold while on interferon, even though I took these steps I kept getting sicker and sicker, for days, almost 2 weeks. It was horrible. I was NOT a happy kitten let me tell you.

So if you are normal and you're not on some awful immuno drug then this regime should work for you!


Sunday I made up for all that sleeping by going to my friends house, The Renty's, Jean-Marie the lazy french waiter and his firecracker wife Tracey's and their cute dog Zohra, who loved me and they were blown away, cause apparently it is unusual.

I felt special.


So JM and I like our vodka drinks, and he has a new one he calls "bleu drink" Spelled the french way cause Jean-Marie is french, obvs.
I started calling it Le Bleu.

This guy brings basically brings me a big flower vase full of this blue poison, but it wasn't a vase he insisted, it was a fucking glass!

JM holding my "vase" for some reason.

I lost track of how many I actually drank of these gigantic glasses, but I am going to say probably 3. From 1030 on is a blur, so there is no clear memories to recount, other than Tracey putting two pizzas in the microwave and me cooking the Jerk chicken cause I was so drunk and in need of food to keep going. We rolled in the grass laughing, then we rolled on the kitchen floor laughing. By then JM had passed out, too much Le Bleu.

I think he pretended to be awake for an hour or so before he left for bed.

Whenever Tracey and I are together, the liquor just flows and we end up laughing together and having so much fun we actually roll on the floor and pee our pants.

Yup, I look like I just drank a vase full of Le Bleu, GOOFY! But at least my cleave looks good!

This would have been around the time Tracey and I sang the Canadian anthem a dozen times just to drive JM nuts then we asked him to sing his, he wouldn't, so Tracey just sang MON DIEU, MON DIEU MON DIEU!!!
That's pretty much what that anthem is. Lot's of Mon Dieu's. (My God.)

WOW! I look so...... not sober......
 Tracey and I being silly together, SO funny how she has the same smile in both pics, I just noticed that! Awww LOVE YOU TRACEY!

I don't know how I got there, but I must have stumbled upstairs, saw the bed, and just fell face first in it.
  I woke up around 6 or 7 with that horrible Le Bleu hangover dream where I am either trying to find water and there is nothing to drink but grease, or broth-
 more like a nightmare than a dream!

Sometimes I dream that I am sucking on a Powerade bottle but nothing is coming out, and I can't open it, and I am soooo thirsty, then I wake up.

Tracey and Doggy Zohra is sleeping with me, and Zohra is so cute and also farting.

I get water and get up a few hours later once I hear JM and Tracey stirring for some morning after partying, but the best part of our morning together was watching their Vegas wedding video, which I was sworn to not describe to anyone but I WILL tell you I haven't laughed so hard and long in quite a while.

I had yesterday off work thank Lucifer, because I didn't feel so wonderful after poisoning myself with Le Bleu and didn't really make it the most productive day, ate McDonalds, mainly because I needed fries and sprite, then I slumped on my couch watching my kitties kill flies on the balcony and chase them around the apartment. 


Well I went to work today realizing it's Tuesday so it's a short week, that was cool, and next Sunday I'm gonna rock the Pembina HARD with some crazy fun girls and our gay of honor, my best friend, John!

(The Pembina is a river that you can raft down, and also drink on while you float. Um, fun!)


Yesterday I had a little cry on the phone with my hubby- I just miss him. Two weeks he's been gone but it feels longer. I was like WHAAAH COME HOME, WHAAAH, and he let me cry but the whole time he was like "aww my poor lovey" you could hear that he wished he could just leave and come to me. 

So instead he sent me lavender roses like the ones in my wedding bouquet with a cute note, and even though I have been known to drop hints, not in a while though, this was a delightful surprise, that made me even more emotional!

I called my hunny crying and he's like WHAT'S WRONG NOW? 

I'm pretty sure he knows that getting flowers will definitely make me cry happy lovey tears, and he likes that.

But these are so pretty, I am super impressed with him! AW I LOVE YOU HUZBEELOVINZ!!!!

We go on our honeymoon in 12 days, almost a year after we were married, and I gotta say, I think now a year later I love him even more than the day we were married. 



A turquoise number I made for my amazing cousin Kirsten and named it "The KiKi"!

Wow, I am a lucky girl because I not only got roses yesterday, I even got a present from my Ladysitter and best friend John.

 My new pretty mirror from John, my gay husband.

Ok, after this Goulash of an entry, with no real direction or message at the end, I leave you with some  old photographs. 

I'll tell you what I think may be going on in these photos, but only these dead people know exactly what they were up to....

Ok, this may seem weird, but the first thing I thought about this picture was that it was perhaps a group of high school dropouts that were particularly artistic, rebellious, and with access to camera, which I imagine cost a lot back in fucking whenever the fuck this was taken.
The reason why I thought "School will kill you if you don't get out" is because it looks like Calculus is wrongly spelled on one girls dress, and there are geometric shapes and letters on the other ladies dresses.

Or maybe this was a group of devil worshippers that had their own fucked up rituals, and those girls are ACTUALLY DEAD.


Given my obsession with the movie The Shining I truly believe this was taken in that hotel during one the perverse parties that went on there, no doubt for me about this.

First thing I thought, PAGANS.
I Fucking LOVE this photograph.

A little bit disturbing.... and those choices of heads on the dresser are just wrong.

I have been looking at this one for days, and I cannot figure out the message of this one, I really don't know! 
A skeleton with a fucking trombone?
And WTF is in that chicks ears, she sure doesn't look happy, and I don't imagine I would be either....
The letter cards on the ground? Uhhhhhhh

Maybe because the kitty is Black and on a pedestal, it turns your french horn playing dad into a skeleton and seashells grow out of your ears and every vowel and every superstitious thing that could happen WILL happen, why? BECAUSE YOU LOVE A BLACK CAT.

Hahaha OHHHHHHH MAAAAANNNNN feedback absolutely welcome about these, I want to know what you think about what the hell is going on in these dusty old snippety snaps I found looking for the end of the internet one day.

Comment forum is welcome to anyone, you don't have to be a member to comment.

Help me make sense out of this shit.

Thanks for reading my shiny beauties!


1 comment:

alicia said...

oh my GLOB. those roses made me cry! husband points for matt! <3

i got my necklace today! LOVE! thank you so much!!! <3 <3 <3

those old pictures are the best. who the hell knows what's going on, but i like it!

love cuz