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Sunday 12 July 2015

Pretty hexy way to say goodbye

So, I wanted to write this while I was inspired, and I got the spirit in my veins, baby.

I've been spending the weekend with my brother and sister-in-law and my favorite person EVER, my bunny niece Evie, and we talked a little about Hex in the City. Talking about out this blog makes me realize it's dead, and it's time to move on. Let's face it; Hex has been out of the city for longtime now sweet Satan!

Thannngss could not be more diiiffferent now
Sweet Satan! 

(You gotta read that in a televangical preacher voice to make sense, there you go)

What can I say? I traded a glass slipper for perogy smorg boots and gardening gloves, but I truly haven't been happier for quite some time. If ever, really. Hex don't live in them city parts no more; it is time to truly acknowledge that with one last profanity strewn post.

This blog both terrifies and amazes me; I never truly understood the power of words until I learned something profound from my own. I learned that I can be a real bitch, my gratuitous use of the f word is incredibly unladylike, and I will never stop giving a fuck. 

That's deep. 


I'll never be able to keep not blogging; my opinion on trivial bullshit will always matter to someone! If not, hoardes of gossips, surviving off the lifeblood of schadenfreude. And occasionally you get to say, what an articulate, well meaning, train wreck. 

To me, that's ok. I started this blog because I was an angry young lady, with the need for an outlet, and I have no apologies for that. It was my cyber soapbox that hardly reached the masses, but it wasn't really for the masses anyways, I never gave a shit what y'all thought. Even my mom. Love you mom but yeah, you too. I just figured if people were going to read this, it was on them. You clicked the link. You surfed me out. I gave you multiple warnings, for starters, the name isn't exactly Sally Suburbs. I also believe there is a disclaimer AND a snarky line about not giving a fuck; if you're offended, it's on you man. This blog isn't powerful enough to ruin reputations (which some snake oil salesman accused me of once apon a time.) Newsflash: No one gives a shit.

For fucks sakes, I will ruin my own out of my own self-deprecating humor that most don't even get. I haven't apologized for this blog, and goddammit, I will kill this thing dead myself, in front of the world, and it's last words will be:

(If you're not internet enough to know what this means, go to your search engine of choice and enter those letters. I promise you it's ever so enlightening.)

I like to wrap things up in neat little bows when it comes to my creative outlets. There is something just wrong about me to use this blog for the next chapter in my life. It is just truly a narcissistic work of self-indulgence that has served it's purpose as a time capsule to me, and for the sake of documentation I need to close the lid on the capsule. I need to separate the chapters of my life in my mind, and having it on here would mess things up for me. If you are truly a fan of my work, don't you worry , I just can't keep my mouth shut, and since I articulate my overly harsh opinions best through writing, I just can't abstain from cyber preaching too long. 

If you cyber stalk this blog, at some point, I may post a link to the next atrocity. Because, you've got nothing better to do... And you also LOOVVVEE ME! 

I want to thank all of my loyal readers. The ones who stood by this thing no matter what I said on here. You people, are special. You all could also be said to have enabled my blog behavior these last 4 years. So thank you for being my blog enablers. It wouldn't have gone this far without y'all. Give yourselves a fist bump.

Shine on pearly orcs, shine the fuck on. 

"One expects poetry, if it is poetry, to offend. It is the right of art." 
-Madame Morrible 


1 comment:

alicia said...

see you on instagram! <3