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Saturday 7 December 2013

Winter Bitch

No matter what kind of music you like you'll like this song. If you totally hate it lose my number.

This is a real time blog, I am actually surrounded by these cute machines! Aren't they purrfect?! Yup real time, no editing, flying by the seat of my pants man. I'm stuck in the city tonight and my roommates are at a card making party which would be fun but I worked too late. I am busy making not enough money but who isn't. LOL JK if my boss reads this.

You may be asking where's the car pics? Can't put em up yet, my Aztek needed a lot of work but thankfully my fella is handy and he's fixing 'er up. I don't wanna jinx it even more, I attempted a highway drive already and a tire exploded on me, BOOM! Sparks flying, panic ensuing... I lived to tell the tale though, so I'll make sure she's road ready before the pics go up.

Winter is here in full arctic effect and I know I'm always saying if you don't like it get the fuck out but maybe I should clarify I don't just love winter soooo much that I wanna be outside in -35 like it is today. There is no getting used to that as long as you live but there is always tolerance. I am pretty much there with the tolerance. I used to get miserable every single winter as a teen, and if my brother or mother or father are reading this they might tell you I was actually miserable all the seasons of the year and they would be... right. 

Either way winter made me especially depressed, S.A.D.  - maybe, but I don't get that S.A.D. anymore, but I can see my outlook has changed. I don't understand why here in Canada we limit ourselves to 3 months of happiness just because there isn't snow, impending snow, slush, rain, ice, more snow, mud, wind... people will complain about absolutely every single weather condition out there. Whenever someone complains excessively about the weather I just sort of smile, but it also makes me feel like that person may be either uncomfortable around me or just plain dull. If I know the person well enough I'll probably call that person a wimp or a pussy.

Why must everyone be miserable all winter cause of the fucking snow? It's gonna happen again next year so start dealing with it now. Yeah, it's cold, but that's what sweaters are for! I love sweaters so much I wait all year to get to wear them, 2, 3 at once even! I always noticed that skanky chicks who like to wear very little clothing always complain excessively about winter.

You could even make the argument that I myself am just as bad as the complainers for complaining about them on the internet, but it is null simply because this is my fucking blog.

I think people need to find other ways to stay happy when they can't lie on a beach, wear short shorts or drink beer on a patio. Once the dreaded winter and spring are over and it's FINALLY summer Edmontonians are FINALLY in a good mood, when they're wearing gay looking bermuda shorts on Julio's Barrio Whyte's patio with white sunglasses drinking a bulldog and eating nachos, tagging themselves and their friends with a #patioseason #780 #yeg #summernights on Instagram. That's at least what I have observed in my city.

Or maybe I'm just someone that's more easily pleased, as long as I wake up in the morning with two feet and a heartbeat it's already a good day. It could be a blizzard outside but if I gotta go out there I put on some mitts a toque and go be a good Canadian.

Don't forget the layers.
